Bankruptcy is a way for an individual or a family to obtain a fresh start financially, and is generally the last resort for a client to work out of his or her financial difficulties. When clients come to our firm because they are financially distressed, we understand the emotional and financial toll the situation has taken on their lives and their families, and we look for opportunities to make their lives less stressful and to lessen the financial burden through available options and legal remedies. If after speaking to the client bankruptcy does not appear to be the best option under the circumstances, we will advise our clients accordingly and explore other options with them to relieve the financial distress. However, if bankruptcy is the best or a viable option, we will fully educate the client about the bankruptcy process and the client's rights and obligations throughout bankruptcy. After a bankruptcy case is filed, we are with our clients every step-of-the-way to ensure the successful completion of the bankruptcy case and a fresh financial start for the client. This provides our clients with peace-of-mind and allows them to get their financial lives back-on-track.
After a loved one has passed, it is often necessary to address and distribute the estate of the person through probate or the execution of a trust, and based upon the estate planning of the individual prior to death. We can assist with this process, but can also assist if the deceased person did not engage in estate planning prior to his/her death. We are adept in helping our clients identify and locate the assets of the deceased person, in assisting clients in navigating the probate courts in the state of Minnesota, in dealing with creditors on behalf of the estate, and in working with family members in the sale and distribution of assets in accordance with the stated desire of the deceased person or as otherwise provided by law. This is not only important to the survivors of the deceased person, but it is important to the deceased person that his or her wishes are carried out upon death.
Real Estate
Real estate is a very technical area of the law and involves a wide array of matters, including the purchase and sale of residential and commercial real estate, the leasing of real estate, mechanic's liens, construction disputes, evictions, and boundary disputes with neighbors, amongst others. We assist our clients with drafting the appropriate real estate documents, with title issues, with the enforcement of real estate documents, and with the resolution of real estate disputes, including litigation where necessary. We address these matters for the client expediently and economically, and in consideration of the needs and desires of the client.
Contact US
(651) 437-8037
Family Law
We provide highly competent and experienced legal representation in the area of family law, including prenuptial agreements, marriage dissolution (divorce), custody, parenting time (visitation), child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), property valuation and division, post-decree modification and enforcement, adoption, domestic abuse (orders for protection), and harassment restraining orders. Family law matters are often highly emotional and difficult for our clients, and we assist them in successfully navigating the legal process and in obtaining a just and equitable result for our clients and their families. We are keenly aware of the needs of our clients when involved in a family law matter, and we bring compassion, understanding, and guidance to the situation. However, as a courtesy to our clients and in the interest of competent and compassionate representation, we are straight-forward with each client about his or her case and the potential and likely outcomes of the case, and are not afraid to take a tough-love approach and to tell the client what the client needs to hear under the circumstances and applicable law, as opposed to what the client may want to hear if it is not realistic or supported by the facts and law of the case. We find that such an approach breeds trust and confidence, and is comforting to our clients.
Estate Planning
One of the most important things that a person can do is to plan ahead and provide for his or her family upon death or incapacitation. With our knowledge and experience in this area of the law, we are able to assist you with your estate planning in a confidential, knowledgeable, and respectful manner. This involves identifying your assets and drafting appropriate documents, whether it be a trust, will, power of attorney, transfer on death deed, and/or other documents which best fit the client's needs and desires. We will take the time necessary to discuss your estate planning options with you, to answer your questions to ensure that you have a full understanding of the available estate planning processes and the implication of available estate planning tools, and to implement the estate plan which you choose based upon what is best for you and your family.
Family Law/Divorce
Real Estate
Probate/Estate Planning
Located in Hastings, Minnesota.